29 June, 2017

Rick Perry loses his cool when confronted by Sen. Franken on climate science

After a week full of misleading and inaccurate statements, Energy Secretary Rick Perry remained incredulous and defiant when confronted with climate science-related facts in a budget hearing Thursday.

 Energy Secretary Rick Perry remains incredulous and defiant
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) informed Perry that scientists have concluded that “humans are entirely the cause” of recent warming, to which Perry responded, “I don’t believe it” and “I don’t buy it.”

And when Franken reminded him this was the conclusion of a team of climate science skeptics funded by conservative petrochemical billionaires Charles and David Koch, Perry raised his voice and said: “To stand up and say that 100 percent of global warming is because of human activity, I think on its face, is just indefensible.”

“Read the story by Joe Romm on Think Progress - "Rick Perry loses his cool when confronted by Sen. Franken on climate science.”

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